Ailyn Hoey
Bellows Falls, Vermont
I grew up in rural Vermont and spent a lot of time outdoors. I am inspired by remote, rugged, and unspoiled terrains. Vermont, Great Cranberry Island, Maine, West Texas and South Florida are favorite places where I have spent time creating my work. I was awarded residencies in Everglades National Park and in Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida. As a result of these experiences, I decided to move there for a year to fully immerse myself in the environment and exhibit my work at art festivals. That was an amazing and influencial experience.
How and when did you start creating art?
I have always loved to paint and draw, but it wasn't until about seven years ago after working as a automotive mechanic that I directed my focus toward creating art full time.
What media and genres do you work in?
My focus is charcoal landscape drawings. I am working towards abstracting my style and am exploring ways in which to do this.
Who or what are your influences?
My biggest influence is the natural world. I find inspiration in other artists as well. A few favorites, past and present, are: Robert Henri, Whistler, Gustave Baumann and Jeanne Carbonetti.
I was struck by the perspective of looking at this birch from out the window of a covered bridge. I like the closeness of the tree, with the distant landscape, echoing the patterns of the birch.
Describe your creative process?
Outside, I am contemplative and focused on the emotions I feel in response to what I am experiencing. In the studio, my creative process is messy and fast. I use a variety of charcoal types, including some collected in the wild. I work on printmaking paper and blend extensively, using my hands and paper towels.
What are you working on currently?
I just finished a new body work for a solo show, My Vermont: Landsacpes in Charcoal, on display at the Bennington Museum in VT. It is inspired by the moments in everday life which seem to transcend the ordinary.
What are your near/long term goals as an artist?
My goals include continuing to develop and share my passion for creative expression through residencies, exhibitions and teaching. I would like to develop a traveling show to be displayed in museums, National Parks and other public venues. It is my hope that my work can serve in some way to help people connect with nature.
Where can people view/purchase your work (gallery, website, etc)?
At the Bennington Museum from February 1-March 15, 2009 and on my website: