Tracy McCabe Stewart
Grayslake, IL
How and when did you start creating art?
I have had a lifelong involvement with the arts. University trained as a speech-language pathologist, I have used art to work with teens and those with special needs; particularly autism. My arts training began in music, metalsmithing and ceramics. Seeking richer color possibilities, I began to working with fiber about 7 years ago.
What media and genres do you work in?
I primarily work with fiber, and often include natural materials in my art quilts. I am planning some more mixed media pieces; art quilts with clay, metal or glass components.
Who or what are your influences?
My work centers on the patterns, colors and textures of nature. I am drawn to the decomposition or evolution of objects: spring growth, the erosion of land by waterways, corroded metal, the destruction of wood by insects, fungal growths.
The piece, "Evening Meditation' was inspired by a particularly lovely late fall sunset and a very vibrant piece of silk organza I had dyed. It includes hand dyed silks and hand dyed and commercial cottons.
Describe your creative process?
I use my own surface designed fabrics, natural materials as well as commercial materials in my work. I like to include or reference objects with history or patina: maps, tribal artifacts, weathered stones, corroded metal or wood. I then strive to further complement these relics through the quilting process. I photograph natural materials/places and use the pictures as inspiration or as direct material. I also find that the spontaneous process of dyeing fabric and other surface design often leads my pieces. I work intuitively: generally drawing ideas from the material at hand and building from there. I prefer an abstract style, in which emphasis is placed on the richness of the materials and quilting rather than figurative interpretation.
What are you working on currently?
I am working on a series of art quilts which includes both large and small fossils within them. I am developing ideas for more mixed media pieces: fiber and clay; fiber and metal, etc. . I am also collaborating with a Judaica artist on a permanent fiber piece for a synagogue.
What are your near/long term goals as an artist?
My current business goals are expanded gallery representation and inclusion into a select group of shows. Artistically, I would like to continue development of a body of mixed media pieces. Longer term, my goals are to continue to expand my artistic ideas and improve their execution. As far as business is concerned, I strive improve the fit between my work and the clientele of the venues and galleries that I show in.
Where can people view/purchase your work (gallery, website, etc)?
My work can be seen and purchased on my website: It can also be seen at the following galleries: My work can be seen in the Illinois Artisan Gallery in Whittington, Illinois and Miya Gallery in Weaverville, NC (just outside of Asheville) My quilts are also showing or touring this year and in 2008 in the International Quilt Festival: Houston, TX, Chicago, IL and Portland, OR; the Fine Art of Fiber, Chicago, IL; Fiber Renaissance: various locations in Illinois and Michigan; as well as other venues. Check my website for complete listings.