Open Imagination
 May 02, 2025
Manifest - BUDDY SYSTEM: An Exhibit of Paired Works by Artist Friends, Peers, Colleagues, or Associates*

The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists and designers to submit original works of art in any media, any genre/style, and any size in tandem with another artist. Open to all traditional and non-traditional genre and media, including 2D, 3D, etc. Often artists develop special bonds supporting, critiquing, challenging, and celebrating each other's works over years and lifetimes, all while maintaining an informal peer relationship. Or maybe, sometimes, they just maintain a strong affinity for one another's work—one of the best forms of support and critical validation there is, respect by a peer one respects in-turn. Out of respect for this artist-artist relationship—perhaps the most vital force in supporting quality and achievement in the visual arts—we offer BUDDY SYSTEM* for the first time ever, aiming to exhibit paired works of art by artists who share mutual respect and participate in this important peer support system. It is important to note that this project is open to any artist at any level. The sole criteria for the pairing is that the relationship between the two is one of admiration, respect, support, friendship, or other positive peer engagement. $45 for up to three entries. $5 per each additional entry. Includes honorarium of $50 for each exhibiting artist, and Grand Jury Award of $1,000 for one jury-selected work from among the exhibits on view.

 Includes honorarium of $50 for each exhibiting artist, and Grand Jury Award of $1,000 for one jury-selected work from among the exhibits on view.