Open Imagination
 December 01, 2024
Visionary Art Collective - Those Who Tend

Those Who Tend: Juried Exhibition in New York City. Visionary Art Collective is partnering with Warnes Contemporary Gallery in New York City to present our annual in-person juried group exhibition, Those Who Tend, curated by Kaylan Buteyn. These days, we have so much to tend to—countless demands that deserve our attention. Our art practice needs nurturing, our children need feeding, our gardens need weeding, and our inboxes need clearing. We are pulled in many directions, tending to various aspects of life. Yet, the most important tending we often overlook is towards ourselves. This call is a reflection for "those who tend"—an invitation to submit work created amidst the challenges of balancing a life full of responsibilities. Artist parents who are juggling their art practice, careers, domestic tasks, caregiving, and carving out time for self-care are invited to submit their work. Those Who Tend will be presented at Warnes Contemporary in Brooklyn on April 24, 2025 and will run for approximately six to eight weeks. This exhibition will be actively promoted through social media on Visionary Art Collective, Warnes Contemporary, and the Artist/Mother Podcast. Additionally, a select number of artists will be chosen for an exclusive interview on the Artist/Mother podcast and featured in New Visionary Magazine. Eligibility: This opportunity is open to artists who identify as parents and caregivers based in the United States. We welcome artists of all career levels to apply.
