Ten Moir Gallery invites artists worldwide to participate in the Animals & Insects Art Competition & Exhibition. This online competition celebrates the beauty, diversity, and essence of the animal kingdom, from majestic wildlife to delicate insects. We welcome all styles and mediums, including painting, drawing, photography, mixed media, and digital art. Awards & Recognition: * Best in Show: One winner will receive: * $150 Cash Prize * Featured on the Cover of the Exhibition * Dedicated Social Media Post * Inclusion in Our Newsletter * Free Entry into the Blu Sky Artist Award ($500 Prize). 1st place will receive $50 Cash, Free entry into the Blu Sky Artist Award ($500 award), an Dedicated social media post and inclusion in the online exhibition. Submission Details: * Entry Fee: $24 for 3 images * Deadline: June 1st * Eligibility: Open to artists worldwide, 18 years and older * Accepted Media: Painting, Drawing, Photography, Mixed Media, Digital Art * How to Enter: Submit your artwork via our online entry form. Exhibition Details: * The selected artworks will be showcased in an online exhibition hosted by Ten Moir Gallery. * * All selected artists will have their work displayed with their name, title, and medium. * Winners will be announced after the deadline, with exhibition launch details provided via email and on our website.