Open Imagination
 March 08, 2025
Lumen Art Gallery - Open Call for ART BOOK "Masterstrokes Unveiled" Publishing

Lumen Art Gallery invites you to participate in: "Contemporary Masterstrokes Unveiled". - Voices and Visions. Art Book Edition 2025. How to participate. How to Apply for "Contemporary Masterstrokes Unveiled – Voices and Vision". Artists interested in being part of our prestigious Art Book "Contemporary Masterstrokes Unveiled – Voices and Vision" have two ways to participate: Competition Entry – Take the chance to be featured on the Cover, Back Cover, or among the top placements in the book. This option is open to artists who want to compete for a spotlight position, ensuring maximum visibility. Guaranteed Placement – Secure your place in the publication by submitting a regular application. This option guarantees inclusion in the book without competition, allowing artists to showcase their work in a dedicated space. After accepted by the Jury you get your gananteed Placement. There is no fee to apply. To apply, please read all Terms & Conditions

 1. Prize - Cover and 6 featured Pages / 2. Prize - Back Cover and 6 featured Pages/ 10 Honorable Mention Awards with 4 featured Pages.