Open Imagination
 October 19, 2024
L.A. Photo Curator ‘A Thousand Words’

Jurors Erica Kelly Martinez and Rollence Patugan invite photographers to submit a series of images that speak volumes, whether each individual photo tells a compelling story on its own or the images come together to create a cohesive visual dialogue. This is an opportunity to explore the power of imagery, where a single frame or a collection of frames can evoke deep narratives, emotions, and connections.   Submit a series of single images with profound meaning, as long as they work together harmoniously, or images that interact and converse with each other.    Show us how your photography can tell a thousand words, whether through the power of each or the synergy of many. We look forward to seeing your visual stories! 5% of artist entry fees goes to the charity of the jurors. Erica Kelly Martin and Rollence Patugan have chosen Pasadena Photography Arts. Another 5% will go to the first place winner's choice of charity. All images submitted to L.A. and N.Y. Photo Curator are eligible to be considered for the Top 40 images of the year chosen by the years jurors. One photographer of the year will be chosen from those picks by Laurie Freitag. ---------------------------------------------- ALL entrants work is shown on their own page with their artist statement, website info & bio. Early entries may be featured on L.A. Photo Curator's Facebook and Instagram pages. Image © Erica Kelly Martin Predator/Prey, 2020

 First Place winner receives Q&A with the jurors. Jurors review first place winner. The Q&A is all done online and the results are included in a piece about the artist in L.A. Photo Curator's themed exhibition. One or more past jurors may contribute review