We are excited to announce an open call for entries for our upcoming online exhibition, “Found Objects”. This exhibition invites photographers to explore the beauty, mystery, and narrative potential of objects found in everyday life. Whether discovered in a natural landscape, on a bustling city street, or tucked away in an overlooked corner, found objects often tell unexpected stories. Through this exhibition, we seek to showcase the creativity of photographers who find art in the ordinary. Theme: Found Objects. From discarded items to organic materials, this exhibition will feature works that emphasize the transformation of forgotten or overlooked objects into compelling visual art. We encourage participants to interpret this theme broadly and present their own unique vision. Accepted entries will be shown in an online exhibition from December 10 and beyond, and archived on our website. Digital badges will be awarded to all participants and Certificates will be given to the First, Second and Third place entries plus the two Honorable Mentions. The exhibition will be promoted on our social media sites, email blasts and other online sites.