Art World

5 Tips for More Art Sales in 2023

As a visual artist or photographer, you’ve likely spent years honing your craft and building your portfolio. However, getting your work out there and making sales can be challenging if you’re unsure where to start. The good news is that there are steps you can take to increase your chances of success in 2023 and beyond. Before diving into those, it’s essential to understand consumer trends in the art world.  

In the last few years, the art world has seen a massive shift in consumer behavior, with many people turning to online platforms to discover and purchase art. This shift was primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic when few in-person art events took place because of the emergency restrictions enacted to limit the spread of the virus. 

According to an annual study focused on the purchase behavior of art buyers worldwide, the number of respondents claiming to have bought art online has risen significantly in recent years. In January 2022, 85% of surveyed art buyers reported purchasing art online in the previous 12 months, compared to 44% in 2019. Overall, total sales of the online art market worldwide peaked at over 13 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. The increase in online art sales highlights the growing trend of e-commerce in the art industry and the growing accessibility of art for a wider audience.

This shift towards online art sales has significantly impacted the art industry, presenting new opportunities for artists and art collectors alike. With the rise of online art platforms and marketplaces, artists, and photographers can reach a much wider audience and showcase their work to potential buyers worldwide. Meanwhile, collectors and art enthusiasts have access to a larger pool of art from different artists, styles, and mediums, making it easier to find the perfect piece to add to their collection. The trend toward online art sales is expected to continue even as in-person events and exhibitions make a comeback in the post-pandemic world. This opens up exciting possibilities for the future of the art world, where artists and collectors can continue to connect and engage with each other in new and innovative ways. The trend toward online art sales is expected to continue even as in-person events and exhibitions make a comeback in the post-pandemic world. 

Five Tips to Increase Art Sales 

1.  Get Your Artwork Online

The first step to increasing your art sales is to get your work online. With so many more people looking for and purchasing art online, your work must be visible to potential buyers. An excellent place to start is by creating a professional website that showcases your work and includes information about you and your background, along with contact information. 

2. Build Your Brand 

Your brand is your unique identity as an artist or photographer. Building a solid brand will help you stand out and attract more buyers and collectors. You can build your brand online through your website and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok to promote your work and connect with potential buyers. Through social media, you’ll also be able to connect with other creatives and learn about new opportunities for exhibitions, shows, collaborations, and more. 

Related: 5 Ways to Use Social Media to Generate Buzz About Your Artwork

3. Network and Connect with Others in the Art World

Networking and building connections with other artists, photographers, gallerists, and buyers is a great way to increase your visibility and potential for sales. Attend local art events, join art organizations, and participate in online forums and discussion groups related to your area of interest. The more you connect with others in the art world, the more opportunities you will have to showcase your work and ultimately make sales.

4. Apply for Open Calls

Grants and residencies are great opportunities for artists and photographers to receive funding and support for their work. Art contests, festivals, exhibitions, and other events can also help artists gain exposure, translating to more sales. 

You’re in the right place! is the top resource for finding these creative opportunities and more. 

5. Be Persistent and Keep Creating

Ultimately, making art sales often requires persistence and dedication. Keep creating and promoting your work, even if you don’t see results in the beginning. Over time, your efforts will pay off. We believe in you! 

Final Thoughts

If you’re an artist looking to make more sales, it can be difficult to know where to start. By getting your work online, building your brand, networking with others in the art world, applying for creative opportunities, and being persistent and dedicated to your craft, you can increase your visibility and potential for sales. Register on and start searching for income and exhibition opportunities today!

Have questions about applying to open calls? Contact us! We’re here to help! 

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